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P.Y.Zong and L.R.Zhang Mechanical Engineering College , Shenyang University , Shenyang 110044 , China


The Authors of this Article have done research on the cracking resistance of cold welding surfacing electrodes for blast furnace valves by adjusting the basicity of slag component, decreasing the hydrogen content and improving microstructure. The DF 2 Cold Welding Surfacing Electrodes prove to possess the following characters: 1) Excellent cracking resistance for surfacing alloys at normal temperature. 2) Excellent cracking resistance for repair welding and rewelding. 3) Excellent machinability for surfacing alloying.

关键词: cold welding , null , null , null , null

Characteristics of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure for 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

SONG Ren-bo , XIANG Jian-ying , HOU Dong-po


A comparative study on mechanical properties and microstructure of 316L austenitic stainless steel between solution treated specimen and hot rolled specimen was conducted. After a specimen was subjected to solution treatment at 1050 ℃ for 6 min, its mechanical properties were determined through tensile and hardness tests. Based on the true stress vs true strain and engineering stress vs engineering strain flow curves, the work hardening rate has been explored. The results show that the solution treated specimen has an excellent combination of strength and elongation, and that this steel is easy to work-hardening during deformation. Optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction examinations were conducted, these reveal that twins in 316L austenitic stainless steel can be divided into suspended twin and transgranular twin which have different formation mechanisms in growth, and that the deformation induced martensite nucleated and grown in the shear band intersections can be observed, and that the fracture surfaces are mainly composed of dimples and exhibit a tough fracture character.

关键词: 316L , mechanical property , twin , martensite , fracture morphology

Evaluation of mechanical properties of structural materials by a spherical indentation based on the representative strain-an improved algorithm at great depth ratio


At great depth ratio, two methodologies based on the representative strain were improved to extract mechanical properties of metallic engineering structural materials from P-h curve of an indentation response. The improved aspects include: the combination of great ratio h(1)/R=0.1 and h(2)/R=0.4 replaced h(1)/R=0.01 and h(2)/R=0.06 (Cao's method) and h(1)/R=0.1 and h(2)/R=0.3 (Ogasawara's method); three types of metallic engineering structural materials with obviously different elastic modulus were dealt with to get their calculation parameters, respectively; a new parameter reflecting the effect of work-hardening exponent n was introduced to get the dimensionless function which is independent of n and a relationship between W/(h(3)sigma(r)S) and E*/(sigma(r)S) at great depth ratio. By using the results of finite element simulation, the efficiency and accuracy of the improved method have been proved, and it showed that the accuracy of the improved method is much better than the former method.

关键词: Spherical indentation;Representative strain;Metallic engineering;structural material;Mechanical property;Great depth ratio;measuring elastoplastic properties;energy-based method;plastic;properties;conical indentation;metal materials;hardness definitions;bulk materials;extract;tests

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature


杨继廉 , 张百生 , 丁永凡 , 杨应昌 , 张晓东 , 潘树明



关键词: 中子衍射 , Curie temperature , permanent magnet


Journal of Applied Physics

Samples of R2Fe17C(y)N(x) (R = Y, Sm, Er, Tm) were prepared by arc melting appropriate amount of R, Fe, and C, vacuum annealing at 1373 K and finally annealing at 740 K in nitrogen for 10 h. The magnetic properties of these compounds were investigated by means of ac initial susceptibility, magnetization measurements, and x-ray diffraction. The thermal stability of the nitride phase was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that, when heated above 600 K, R2Fe17C(y)N(x) irreversibly decomposes N which is irrespective of the carbon concentration and rare-earth element. The Curie temperatures of R2Fe17C(y)N(x) are independent of the carbon concentration and are approximately 400 K higher than those of the corresponding pure R2Fe17 compounds. However, the Curie temperatures cannot be correlated to the composition x of the initial R2Fe17C(y)N(x) compounds at room temperature because some N was lost during the heating to T(c). In the Er and Tm compounds spin reorientation transitions were found, marking the change of the easy magnetization direction from the c axis to the basal plane with increasing temperature. The Tm compounds show an additional magnetic transition at low temperatures (below 40 K). A coexistence of the hexagonal and the rhombohedral structural modifications was found in Er2Fe17C(y)N(x) when y < 1.5, characterized by two different spin reorientation temperatures. The anisotropy fields of Sm2Fe17C(y)N(x) are higher than that of Sm2Fe17N(x). Indications of a magnetic phase transition were found also in Sm2Fe17C0.7N(x) and Sm2Fe17C0.9N(x).

关键词: magnetocrystalline anisotropy;carbides;alloys


Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Exchange fields in both (Nd, Y)2Fe14B and (Nd, Gd)2Fe14B series are determined by analyzing spin reorientation. Results calculated for the two systems suggest that the R-R exchange interactions between R ions are comparable with the crystal-field interaction and that their effect might be taken into account for reproducing the spin-reorientation temperature.

关键词: magnetization process;crystal;nd2fe14b;r2fe14b;transition

Evaluating and Modeling the Mechanical Properties of the Prepared PLGA/nano-BCP Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering

Mehdi Ebrahimian-Hosseinabadi Fakhredin Ashrafizadeh Mohammadreza Etemadifar Subbu S. Venkatraman


In this paper, preparation of nano-biphasic calcium phosphate (nBCP), mechanical behavior and load-bearing of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and PLGA/nBCP are presented. The nBCP with composition of 63/37 (w/w) HA/β-TCP (hydroxyapatite/β-tricalcium phosphate) was produced by heating of bovine bone at 700°C. Composite scaffolds were made by using PLGA matrix and 10-50 wt% nBCP powders as reinforcement  material. All scaffolds were prepared by thermally induced solid-liquid phase separation (TIPS) at -60°C under 4 Pa (0.04 mbar) vacuum. The results of elastic modulus testing were adjusted with Ishai-Cohen and Narkis models for rigid polymeric matrix and compared to each other. PLGA/nBCP scaffolds with 30 wt% nBCP showed the highest value of yield strength among the scaffolds. In addition, it was found that by increasing the nBCP in scaffolds to 50 wt%, the modulus of elasticity was highly enhanced. However, the optimum value of yield strength was obtained at 30 wt% nBCP, and the agglomeration of reinforcing particles at higher percentages caused a reduction in yield strength. It is clear that the elastic modulus of matrix has the significant role in elastic modulus of scaffolds, as also the size of the filler particles in the matrix.

关键词: Scaffold


Journal of Applied Physics

The magnetic properties of R2Co14B1-xCx (x=0, 0.5 and R=Y, Sm) compounds have been studied by measuring the temperature dependence of the easy- and hard-magnetization curves on magnetically aligned samples between 1.5 and 300 K for Y2Co14(B,C) and at 4.2 K for Sm2Co14(B,C). The magnetic anisotropy of Y2Co14B increases due to the substitution of C for B, whereas the saturation magnetization decreases. Between 1.5 and 300 K, the anisotropy field of Y2Co14B0.5C0.5 increases about 2 T and the Co moment decreases about 0.05mu(B). The anisotropy field Of Sm2Co14B also increases upon C substitution and the saturation magnetization decreases slightly. The ac susceptibilities of both SM2Co14B and Sm2Co14B0.5C0.5 exhibit anomalies that may arise from a spin reorientation within the basal plane.

关键词: nd2fe14b;exchange;nd2co14b;r2fe14b;field

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