2) and Y.X.Gu3) 1) Department of Mechanical Engineering
Fushun Petroleum Institute
Fushun 113001
China 2) State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metal
The Chi nese Academy of Science
Shenyang 110015
China 3) Departmentof Materials Scienceand Engineering
Shenyang Polytechnic University
Shenyang 110023
Weldingthermalcyclicsimulated techniquesisemployed in thestudy. By meansof analysismetalloscope, fracture morphology and impact toughness test of the sample, the effect ofweldingthermalcycle peak temperature and dualthermal cycle on the micro structure and toughnessoflow alloy high strength steel HQ100 isinvestigated.Inner fine martensitic andbainitic microstrctureisobservedby TEM.Theresultsshow that withtheincreaseof peaktem perature, grain sizesbecomelarger,theimpacttoughness drop down .Ifthermalcycleisim posed twiceand dualthermalcyclicpeaktemperatureis1275 ℃+ 750 ℃,theimpacttoughnessisatthelowest value.Alsotheimpacttoughnessagrees withthefracture morphology.
Chinese Science Bulletin
A study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of contaminants and meteorological variables on the rust layer of carbon steel exposed in Shenyang urban atmosphere. Seven kinds of contaminants and twelve kinds of meteorological parameters were also registered in order to correlate the data with respect to corrosion rate and the stepwise multiple regression analysis was carried out in order to obtain the best regression model. The sum of rainfall time as well as sunshine time and the concentration of H(2)S could stimulate initial atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel. The initial atmospheric corrosion kinetics of carbon steel was observed to follow the cubic equation. The corrosion products were analyzed by XRD and the transformation of phases in different periods was discussed.
contaminants;meteorological parameters;carbon steel;urban atmospheric;corrosion;stepwise multiple regression;corrosion products;rust;pollution