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Thermal Characteristics of Gel Grown Lanthanum Heptamolybdate crystals

Sushma Bhat and P.N.Kotru(Dept. of Physics , Uuiversity of Jammu , Jammu -180 001 , India) M.L.Koul(Dept. of Chemistry , Uuiversity of Jammu , Jammu , India)


Thermal characteristics of Ianthanum heptamolybdate crystals grown by gel technique, employing thermoanalytical techniques, viz. TG, DTA and DSC, are reported. It is established that the rare-earth lanthanum heptamolybdate crystals are associated with thirty water molecules;the composition being La2Mo7O24.3OH2O. It is shown that all the thirty water molecules associated with lanthanum heptamolybdate crystal are lost during its decomposition, leading to its anhydrous form. Results obtained on application of TG based models, viz. Horowitz-Metzger,Coats-Redfern and Piloyan-Novikova and of DSC based methods viz. Roger-Morris-Smith and Barret, regarding solid state reaction kinetics are also reported. The random nucleation model is shown to be the one that is relevant to the decomposition of lanthanum heptamolybdate. The kinetic parameters, viz.the order of reaction. frquency factor, energy of activation and entropy using above mentioned models are computed and shown to bear reasonably good agreement


Characterization of Mixed Neodymium Lanthanum Heptamolybdate Crystals Grown by Gel Encapsulation Technique

Sushma Bhat and P.N.Kotru(Dept. of Physics , University of Jammu , Jammu , India)


Crystals of mixed NdLa heptamolybdates (max. size0.75×0.75×0.75 mm3) grown by silica gel technique were characterized using EDAX, IR, optical and scanning electron micrscopies.X-ray as well as electrn diffraction. The composition of the crystals was determined as (Nd1/2 La1/2 )2 Mo7O24·35H2O.The crystals exhibit varied morpholgies including square and octagonal platelets, cuboids, multifaceted crystal in coalesced and aggregated forms and spherulites.The XRD results indicate crystallinity of the grown material. Electron diffraction results suggest thermal instability of the material. IR results show the presence of peaks due to water and metal-oxygen bonds



赵普琴 , 杨锡震 , 李桂英 , 王亚非

液晶与显示 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-2780.2001.01.010


关键词: 磷化镓 , 发光二极管 , 势垒


杨金瑞 , 余尚先 , 顾江楠



关键词: 羟甲基酚化合物 , 羟甲基酚树脂 , DEPT135 , 结构参数


王艳文 , 胡艳春



关键词: P-N , 低温 , 温度计

The peculiar transport properties in p-n junctions of doped graphene nanoribbons

Journal of Applied Physics

Two kinds of junctions based on doped graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are designed and studied in this article. One is the N-doped armchair GNR (AGNR) joined directly by B-doped AGNRs, and another is similar, but there is an undoped AGNR between them. The transport properties are calculated using the full self-consistent ab initio nonequilibrium Green's function and density-functional theory methods under external bias. We find that the I-V curves for both junctions have a striking nonlinear feature and show large negative differential resistance properties, not only at the positive bias but also at the negative one. The results also indicate that the diode-like properties are kept and the rectification coefficient is very high within a wide bias region. Our calculations reveal that the formation of these peculiar transport behaviors is due to the great changes of the transmission spectra and the projected self-consistent Hamiltonian eigenvalues with the applied bias voltage. These findings suggest that the doped AGNRs may offer unique opportunities for the future development of nanoscale electronics. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3605489]

关键词: walled carbon nanotubes;electronic-properties;lithium absorption;edge;ribbons;conductance;defects;states


许小亮 , 杨晓杰 , 付竹西



关键词: ZnO , 同质p-n , 激光器件


王洪辕 , 许昌

原子核物理评论 doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.33.01.001

通过分析(p,n)电荷交换反应的微分散射截面数据,得到了核子光学势实部的同位旋矢量项。(p,n)反应的微分散射截面的大小正比于核子光学势实部的同位旋矢量项v1的平方,利用平面波玻恩近似可以直接提取v1的值。再根据HVH理论,利用v1的值能够得到对称能Esym(ρ0)和它的密度依赖斜率L(ρ0)的值。得到的结果Esym(ρ0)=(28.5±2.0) MeV, L(ρ0)=(67.0±5.0) MeV与分析原子核质量和其他核实验数据得到的结果符合较好。

关键词: 对称能 , (p,n)反应 , 光学模型 , 平面波玻恩近似


樊胜 , 阎芳 , 张鸿洲 , 赵志祥

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2004.04.037

在En ≤20 MeV的情况下, 忽略了粒子的二次发射过程, 认为复合系统的形成截面是能量相关的, 得到了理论模型清晰、公式形式简单的半经验计算方法. 在靶核23≤A≤209的范围内, 利用大量(n, p) 和(n, α)反应的截面实验数据对可调参数进行了研究, 得到了参数对靶核的N和Z以及入射能量的依赖关系. 对得到的参数做了定性的解释, 利用普适参数对(n, p) 和(n, α)反应的激发函数做了预言, 预言值在其误差范围内与实验数据一致.

关键词: 激发函数 , 半经验计算方法 , 系统学参数

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