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Semiconducting properties of passive film formed on stainless steel by using A. V. passivation

Acta Chimica Sinica

Passive film formed on 304 stainless steel in 2.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution by using alternating voltage (A. V.) passivation have been investigated by measuring capacitance and photoelectrochemical parameters. The investigation of the effect of measure frequency on the slope of Mott-Schottky curve has been carried out. The photoelectrochemical measurements were consistent with the capacitance measurement. Analysis of the experimental results showed that the passive film formed 304 stainless steel by using A. V. passivation exhibits semiconducting properties. Using the simple model of semiconductor rather than the multi-donor level model can explain satisfactorily the semiconducting behavior of the film formed on 304 stainless steel by using A.V. passivation.

关键词: A. V. passivation;passive film;semiconducting properties;stainless;steel;model;electrodes


李金海 , A. A. Rossi , V. Palmieri

原子核物理评论 doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.32.S1.59

Nb3 Sn金属合金是一种性能优良的超导材料。磁控溅射多层沉积是用两个溅射源分层沉积铌和锡,再经过高温退火后获得超导薄膜的方法。用这种方法所获得的超导薄膜的原子组分的调整比较方便,对于Nb3Sn的研究较为有利。实验测量了样品的超导参数和晶格参数,其超导临界温度(Tc)可达17 K,剩余电阻率(RRR)为5左右。需要进一步研究相关工艺,以便提高RRR,从而使这种方法在超导加速腔的制造中得到应用。

关键词: 磁控溅射 , 超导薄膜 , Nb3 Sn , 多层沉积


王佳 , 曹楚南



关键词: 缓蚀剂 , Desorption , Kinetics

First-principles study of transport of V doped boron nitride nanotube

Physics Letters A

We perform first-principles calculations of spin-dependent quantum transport in V doped boron nitride nanotube: the junction of pristine (6, 0) boron nitride nanotube in contact with V doped (6, 0) boron nitride nanotube electrodes. Large tunnel magnetoresistance and perfect spin filtration effect are obtained. The zero bias tunnel magnetoresistance is found to be several thousand percent, it reduces monotonically to zero with a voltage scale of about 0.65 V, and eventually goes to negative values after the bias of 0.65 V. The ratio of spin injection is above 95% till the bias of 0.85 V and is even as large as 99% for the bias from 0.25 eV to 0.55 eV when the magnetic configurations of two electrodes are parallel. The understanding of the spin-dependent nonequilibrium transport is presented by investigating microscopic details of the transmission coefficients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: first-principles;one-dimensional;tunnel magnetoresistance;spin filter;large magnetoresistance;ferromagnetic-films;sic nanowires;bn;nanotubes;systems;conductance;junctions

Electronic effects of alloying elements Nb and V on body-centred-cubic Fe grain boundary cohesion

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

The segregation effects of Nb and V on bcc FeSigma3[110](111) grain boundary cohesion are studied by the first-principles DMol method within the framework of density functional theory. The calculated segregation energy difference between the grain boundary and the corresponding free surface is -0.51 eV (-0.58 eV) for solute Nb (V), which indicates that both Nb and V could enhance the grain boundary cohesion in body-centred-cubic Fe. We found that the chemical effect and the geometry effect of Nb (V) play crucial but opposite roles in determining whether a material is brittle or ductile. The chemical effect is dominant and advantageous for grain boundary cohesion. Also, Nb and V show very different behaviours: in chemical effect, Nb is more conducive to ductility than V; while in the geometry effect, Nb is less conducive to ductility and more conducive to embrittlement than V.

关键词: first-principles determination;local-density;embrittlement;iron;phosphorus;hydrogen

Apatite formation on anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy in simulated body fluid

Metals and Materials International

Titania layers were successfully prepared on the surfaces of Ti-6Al-4V alloy via anodic oxidation in H(2)SO(4) or Na(2)SO(4) solutions at room temperature. The titania layers consisted of pure rutile or a mixture of anatase and rutile structures after the Ti-6Al-4V alloy had been anodized in 1.0 M H(2)SO(4) solution at 150 V or 0.5M Na(2)SO(4) solution at 100 or 130 V. Good apatite-forming ability was demonstrated in simulated body fluid. However, surface layers with mainly titanium metallic phase or a pure anatase structure did not possess the ability to induce apatite formation. Anodic oxidation is an effective method to prepare bioactive Ti-6Al-4V alloy that can be used as an artificial bone substitute under load-bearing applications.

关键词: alloys;anodization;surface;x-ray diffraction;apatite;bioactive titanium metal;chemical surface-treatment;heat-treatments;oxide-films;oxidation;coatings;ability;bone;ca


刘贵仲 , 苏彦庆 , 郭景杰 , 丁宏升 , 贾均 , 傅恒志

材料科学与工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-0299.2001.02.015

在基于本课题组建立的熔体组元活度系数计算模型的基础上,计算了Ti-6Al-4V熔体中各组元的活度系数及其蒸气压,推导了判断熔体组元挥发趋势的相对挥发系数β.研究结果表明:在熔体温度低于2 000 K时,铝钛相对挥发系数β(Al:Ti)>17,铝钒相对挥发系数β(Al:V)>96,钛钒相对挥发系数β(Ti:V)>5,即熔炼过程中组元挥发趋势从大到小依次为Al,Ti,V.这说明熔体成分变化主要是由于Al元素的挥发所致.

关键词: Ti-6Al-4v合金 , 活度系数 , 饱和蒸气压 , 挥发趋势

Fabrication and electrochromic properties of double layer WO3(V)/V2O5(Ti) thin films prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique

Thin Solid Films

Single and double layers of tungsten oxide and vanadium oxide thin films have been deposited on In2O3:SnO2 (ITO) glass using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at a substrate heating temperature of 200 degreesC and in rich oxygen pressure. The structural properties and chemical composition of as-deposited WO3(V) and V2O5(Ti) thin films were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectrum (RS), and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). The as-deposited V2O5 doped WO3 thin film on ITO glass showed an amorphous structure. Highly oriented growth nano-crystalline TiO2 doped V2O5 thin films with polycrystalline orthorhombic structure were successfully synthesized on ITO glass using the scanning laser ablation technique at a deposition temperature as low as 200 degreesC. Cyclic voltammograms, at a sweep rate of 50 mV s(-1), show that long-term degradation was noticed for the as-deposited WO3(V) thin film, and no Ion-term degradation was noticed for the as-deposited double layer WO3(V)/V2O5(Ti) thin film. Durability was verified to 8000 cycles in the voltage range between -1.0 and 1.0 V. It is demonstrated that these double layer WO3(V)/V2O5(Ti) thin films on ITO are good candidates for cathode thin films for rechargeable batteries and electrochromic devices. As the additional top layer of V2O5M) possesses nano-crystalline and c-axis oriented structure, which is suitable for Li-ions transport, the cycle stability and reversibility of WO3(V) films have been improved. Double layer WO3(V)/V2O5(Ti) thin films provide a neutral brownish blue electrochromic color. Therefore, this double layer film maybe suitable for most building applications. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: V2O5(Ti);WO3(V) thin films;double layers;pulsed laser deposition;technique;electrochromic properties;chemical-vapor-deposition;vanadium-titanium-oxide;electrical-properties;optical-properties;induced coloration;v2o5;wo3;growth;no2


葛鹏 , 吴欢 , 赵永庆

中国材料进展 doi:10.7502/j.issn.1674-3962.2016.10.06


关键词: 钛合金 , 合金元素 , β相 , 强化


ZHONG Jiaxiang ZHENG Xiuhua XU Zongrui Beijing Institute of Technology , Beijing , ChinaBAI Dezhong Nei Monggol Machine Works No.2 , Nei Monggol , China Beijing Institute of Technology , Beijing 100081 , China


Three types of alloy carbides have been observed in tempered steel 4335V:M_3C,M_7C_3 and M_4C_3.The precipitation temperatures are 200—700,400 and 500 ℃ respectively.The com- position,morphologies and distribution patterns of the carbides as well as the relationship be- tween them and as-quenched substructures have been investigated.The influence of the car- bides on the low temperature impact toughness of the steel has also been discussed.

关键词: steel 4335V , null , null

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