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ZHAO Jiarong YANG Jie Wuhan Iron and Steel University , Wuhan , China ZHAO Jiarong , associate professor , Faculty of Rolling , Wuhan Iron and Steel University , Wuhan 430081 , China


Based on the analyses of hot-deformation mechanism of the steel,a new constitutive equation describing the flow stress of steels was derived.The flow stress data of steel 55SiMnVB have been determined at 900—1200℃,strain rates of 1—100s~(-1)and true-strain of 0.08—0.8.An available evaluated formula on the flows tress has been obtained by means of non-linear regression.It can express clearly the physical process of hot-deformation.

关键词: flow stress , null , null

Practice for Extending Blast Furnace Campaign Life at Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation

ZHANG Shourong


One of the problems encountered in 60′s to 80′s of 20th century in China′s steel industry was short life of blast furnace shaft as well as the excessive erosion of blast furnace hearth. A series of research work was carried out in order to extend blast furnace campaign life. The concept of research and development was integrated in the construction of BF (blast furnace) No5 at WISCO (Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation), and in October, 1991, the BF No5 was blown in. The blast furnace has worked smoothly for more than 15 years without any medium repair even guniting. It is expected that the campaign life of BF No5 would be longer than 16 years with a production over 11 000 t per unit inner volume (m3). A new blast furnace with an inner volume of 3 400 m3 is under construction, and is designed with a campaign life of 20 years without any medium repair. The campaign life of blast furnaces in China has been extended in recent years.

关键词: blast furnace;campaign life;erosion

Treatment of Reused Comprehensive Wastewater in Iron and Steel Industry With Electrosorption Technology

ZHANG Yunhua , GAN Fuxing , LI Meng , WANG Dihua , HUANG Zhongmai , GAO Yunpeng


Electrosorption technology was used to treat the reused comprehensive wastewater from iron and steel industry. A problem of relatively high conductivity of wastewater which greatly affects the reuse was examined, and industrial test was conducted for the reused water advanced deionization and purification in a comprehensive wastewater treatment plant of WISCO [Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation]. The results of the onsite industrial test showed a satisfactory treatment performance for the reused water even at a flow rate of 1000 L/h in a standard 500 L/h unit. The average conductivity decreased by about 70%, from 580-780 μS/cm to 100-350 μS/cm. The average removal efficiency of Cl- and Ca2+ was about 75% and 68%, respectively, and CODCr of the treated water was also reduced in some degree while the pH value was almost unchanged. The energy consumption was as low as 06 kWh/t, which was remarkably superior to the conventional technologies. Therefore, it is entirely feasible that the novel electrosorption technology can be used in enhanced desalination and purification treatment of reused comprehensive wastewater in iron and steel industry.

关键词: electrosorption , desalination , purification , conductivity , industrial reused water

Investigation on Initial Stage of Electroless Deposition on Low Carbon Steel and Pure Iron

Yiyong WU , Yongqian WANG , Yongzhong ZHANG and Mei YAO (School of Materials Science and Technology , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , 150001 , China)Xinguo HU(Applied Chemical Department , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , 150001 , China)


Initial process is influenced by substrate microstructure according to the study of initial stage of electroless plating on low carbon steel and pure iron. For low carbon steels, depositing on cementite is prior to that on ferrite, and for pure iron, the grain boundaries and some favourable grains are deposited more easily. The initial reactions of electroless depositing of Ni-P alloy have been tentatively proposed


Mechanism of Bainite Nucleation in Steel, Iron and Copper Alloys

Mokuang KANG , Ming ZHU , Mingxing ZHANG


During the incubation period of isothermal treatment (or aging) within the bainitic transformation temperature range in a salt bath (or quenching in water) immediately after solution treatment, not only are the defects formed at high temperatures maintained, but new defects can also be generated in alloys, iron alloys and steels. Due to the segregation of the solute atoms near defects through diffusion, this leads to non-uniform distributions of solute atoms in the parent phase with distinct regions of both solute enrichment and solute depletion. It is proposed that when the Ms temperature at the solute depleted regions is equal to or higher than the isothermal (or aged) temperature, nucleation of bainite occurs within these solute depleted regions in the manner of martensitic shear. Therefore it is considered that, at least in steel, iron and copper alloy systems, bainite is formed through a shear mechanism within solute depleted regions, which is controlled and formed by the solute atoms diffusion in the parent phase.

关键词: Pre-bainite phenomenon , null , null , null


XIAN Aiping LI Peiji CHEN Wenxiu WANG Yikang Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , ChinaCHEN Renyi MEI Dongsheng Panzhihua Institute of Iron and Steel Research , Panzhihua , China associate professor.Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang 110015 , China


At panzhihua Iron and Steel Company,hydrogen content in molten heavy rail steel is rather low during smelting in the oxygen top-blown converter,and sloightly increases in tapping and pouring.Average H content varies from 2.0(dry season)to 2.4 ppm(rainy season)at smelt- ing end;2.8 ppm in ladle;and 2.1 ppm(dry season)to 2.3 ppm(rainy season)in mould, which is on a level with RH vacuum circle.The low hydrogen content in molten steel,which is due to both the very dry climate in Panzhiihua region and the LD smelting process,is the main reason why there is little flake in the heavy rail produced by Panzhihua Iron and Steel Com- pany.

关键词: smelting , null , null , null , null

Abrasive Wear Behavior of High Chromium Cast Iron and Hadfield Steel—A Comparison

Mehdi Mazar Atabaki , Sajjad Jafari , Hassan Abdollah-pour


Abstract: Wear properties of two different crushers used for grinding raw materials of cement industry are compared using pin-on-disk wear test. The wear test was carried out with different loads on a pin. Abrasive wear behavior of two alloys was evaluated by comparing mass loss, wear resistance, microhardness and friction coefficient. The microstructure of the specimens was detected using optical microscope. The results showed that abrasive wear of high chromium cast iron is lower than that of Hadfield steel. Due to the presence of M7C3 carbides on the high chromium cast iron matrix, impact crushers exhibited higher friction coefficient.

关键词: Key words: abrasive wear , Hadfield steel , high chromium , cast iron


XIAN Aiping LI Peiji CHEN Wenxiu WANG Yikang Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , ChinaCHEN Renvi MEI Dongsheng Panzhihua Institute of Iron and Steel Research , Ministry of Metallurgical Industry , Panzhihua , China associate professor , Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang 110015 , China


The determination of dffusible hydrogen in U71Mn heavy rail steel,and hydrogen diffusivity as well as the hydrogen distribution in the cross section of blooms with stack cooling were stu- died.The results showed that,most of the hydrogen in blooms of heavv rail steel is diffusible, the hydrogen diffusivity in U71Mn rail steel blooms at room temperature is(0.85—1.02)× 10~(-6)cm~2/s,after stack cooling,the hydrogen content in bloom will decrease greatly which is helpful to form the flake-free phenomenon in the heavy rail produced by Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company.

关键词: rail steel , null , null , null

STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF CRITICAL INCLUSION FACTOR FOR SECONDARY RECRYSTALLIZATON IN 3%Si STEEL Lecturer,Department of Materials Engineering,Southwestern Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China

LI Shuchen Southwestern Jiaotong University , Chengdu , ChinaCHEN Mengzhe KE Jun University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


On the basis of statistical data of MnS in the conventional 3% Si steel sheeets after various annealing processes,the critical inclusion factor has been evaluated to be 20 mm~(-1).The inhi- bition of MnS to grain growth has been exactly described.

关键词: 3%Si steel , null , null

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