


检索条件:任意字段=YAN Qing-zhi  

  • 论文(8)

Corrosion Behavior of Ferritic/Martensitic Steels CNS-I and Modified CNS-II in Supercritical Water

YANG Ying , YAN Qing-zhi , YANG Ya-feng , ZHANG Le-fu , GE Chang-chun


The corrosion behaviors of CNS-I and modified CNS-II were evaluated by exposing to superciritical water (SCW) at 550 ℃ and 25 MPa with a dissolved oxygen concentration of 200×10-9 for up to 1000 h. Detailed corrosion results of these two alloys were provided, including the growth rate of the oxide s...

关键词: ferritic/martensitic steel , supercritical water , corrosion kinetics , oxide scale morphology and structure

Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Modified CNS-Ⅱ F/M Steel

YANG Ying , YAN Qing-zhi , MA Rong , GE Chang-chun


Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels have been recommended as one of the candidate materials for supercritical water cooled reactor (SCWR) in-core components use for its high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient and inherently good dimensional stability under irradiation condition in...

关键词: supercritical water reactor , ferritic/martensitic steel , cladding material

Hot Deformation Behavior of Modified CNS-Ⅱ F/M Steel

YANG Ying , YAN Qing-zhi , GE Chang-chun


Modified CNS-Ⅱ F/M steel was designed for in-core components of supercritical water cooled reactor. Study on the hot deformation behavior of modified CNS-Ⅱ F/M steel is of great importance for processing parameter planning and microstructure controlling during hot deformation. The hot deformation be...

关键词: F/M steel , constitutive equation , dynamic recrystallization

First Results of Characterization of 9Cr-3 WVTiTaN Low Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel

LI Xing-gang , YAN Qing-zhi , et al


Ferritic/martensitic steels with 9-12 wt%Cr are favored candidates for fuel cladding tube and in-core applications for construction of supercritical water cooled reactor. 9Cr-3WVTiTaN reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, designated as China Nuclear Steel-I (CNS-I), is patterned after T91 s...

关键词: supercritical water cooled reactor;reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel;tensile;Charpy impact


白宣羽 , 汪渊 , 徐可为



关键词: 非晶 , 电阻率 , 纳米压入 , 硬度


张巍 , 李久青 , 许江涛 , 陈昆

腐蚀学报(英文) doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.1999.06.004


关键词: 高强铝合金 , 稀土转化膜 , 耐蚀性学科


智海素 , 侯召宇

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2006.01.002

考虑非微扰量子色动力学物理真空夸克凝聚效应,计算了碳核与碳核在质心系能量分别为630和200 GeV时碰撞Drell-Yan过程的K因子,以及加入核遮蔽因子后非微扰效应对K因子的影响,并把计算结果与没有考虑夸克凝聚非微扰效应的K值进行了对...

关键词: K因子 , Drell-Yan过程 , 夸克凝聚 , 非微扰量子色动力学 , 核遮蔽效应