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Selection of Oxygen Pressure in BOF Steelmaking

WANG Ming-lin , L Ying-hua , YANG Wen-yuan , LI Shu-gui , XU Xiao-wei


Based on the on-site investigation and the principle of compressible flow, the working oxygen pressure should be matched to the Mach-number at the nozzle in designing nozzle and oxygen supply schedule so that the higher penetration depth and the more blending energy can be obtained for reducing energy loss by shock wave in the ultrasonic oxygen jet in the normal BOF steelmaking. For some special BOF blowing technologies, such as steelmaking with high phosphorus hot metal, post combustion oxygen lance, hot metal pretreatment, etc, the difference between working oxygen pressure and designed diffusion pressure which is related to Mach-number is necessary, so that the velocity of the oxygen jet will be decreased because of shock wave for expected metallurgical results.

关键词: oxygen pressure , Mach-number , steelmaking , penetration depth

Modification of Analytical Expression of Electron Dynamical Diffraction

Canying CAI , Qibin YANG , Hongrong LIU


Assuming that the wave function , the Schrodinger equation can be written as . Neglecting the last two terms, an analytical expression of electron dynamical diffraction was derived by Qibin YANG et al. In this paper, the analytical expression is modified by further considering the second-order differential term . When the accelerating voltage is not very high, or the sample is not very thin, the reciprocal vector ɡ is large, the modification of the second-order differential is necessary; otherwise it can be neglected.

关键词: Electron dynamical diffraction , null



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....


Intensified alkaline leaching pretreatment of refractory gold concentrates at common temperature and pressure

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

A new process for the hydrometallurgy of refractory gold concentrates was presented. The process comprises grinding-leaching, intensified alkaline leaching (IAL), cyanidation and adsorption. In a stirring-type pulverizing-leaching tower mill, the concentrate is ground to <35. 6 μm of 95. 5 % while simultaneously leached by NaOH of 12 kg/t, then carried out intensified alkaline leaching for 48 h by NaOH of 108 kg/t in enhanced agitation tanks with the pulp concentration of 40% solids at the environmental temperature of 9. 5 &SIM; 13. 5 &DEG;C and the environmental pressure of 10(5) Pa. The oxidation rate of As is 94. 9%, and 47. 6% for S. The total consumption of NaOH is only 20% of that theoretically calculated under the conditions of full oxidation at the same oxidation rates of arsenic to arsenate and sulfur to sulfate. The gold leaching rate by NaCN in 24 h is increased from 9. 2% before pretreatment to 94. 2%. The consumption of NaCN is 7. 5 kg/t, which is one times less than that before pretreatment. The extraction cost of gold is about 422 Yuan/t.

关键词: refractory gold concentrates;grinding-leaching;intensified alkaline;leaching (IAL);pretreatment;common temperature and pressure


周晓宏 , 刘红军 , 刘鹏



关键词: 遗传算法 , 阻尼器 , 参数识别


吕友军 , 董旭斌 , 张天宁


本文采用基于颗粒动力学的欧拉双流体模型,对比研究了曳力和湍流对超临界水流化床传热特性的影响,选取了Gidaspow、Syamlal-O'Brien和Wen-Yu三种曳力模型以及标准κ-ε、RNG κ-ε、Realizable κ-ε湍流模型三种高Re数湍流模型及低Re数κ-ε湍流模型.研究结果表明,在三种曳力模型中,Gidaspow曳力模型在超临界水流化床中更为适用;对于所采用的四种κ-ε湍流模型,利用三种高雷诺数湍流模型模拟所得床层与壁面间传热系数基本一致且大于采用低雷诺数模型模拟所得传热系数,而综合考虑,RNGκ-s湍流模型更适于超临水流化床传热特性的研究.

关键词: 超临界水流化床 , 曳力 , 湍流 , 传热


朱奎松 , 刘松利 , 芶淑云 , 王梁

钢铁钒钛 doi:10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2017.02.005


关键词: 四氯化钛 , 高钛渣 , 氯化 , 流化床 , 数值模拟 , 流动特性


颜慧成 , 郭征 , 张孟亭 , 张洪平



关键词: 连续铸钢 , 保护渣 , 流动行为 , 数学模拟


章明川 , 张楚 , 林郁郁 , 徐旭常


根据快速流化床的基本流动特性、A 型噎塞和 C 型噎塞的特征与定义,建立了一个统一,自恰的快速床模型一分相共存模型.模型以 A 型噎塞的修正Yang公式为‘本构方程',合理预报了快速床的最小固体流率Gsm,以及在固体流率不变的条件下降低操作气速时床层由A型噎塞向C型噎塞的连续过渡.模型中的稀相有效气流速度函数幂次n为可调参数,根据 C 型噎塞速度预报的Yousfi and Gau公式,初步确定模型参数n=4.

关键词: 快速流态化 , 噎塞速度 , A 型噎塞 , C 型噎塞 , 分相共存模型

NCl(a1 △)泵浦碘原子化学激光综述及可行性分析

多丽萍 , 李国富 , 李健 , 闵祥德

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2001.05.001

自1990年Bower和Yang报告了NCl(a1△)/I的传能,引起了人们的极大关注.由NCl(a1△)泵浦I原子的全气相化学激光器能否产生和放大以及该体系的相关动力学的研究近几年也广泛展开.本文在综述了有关NCl(a 1△)及其与I的传能和发展现状基础上,理论上进行了分析和计算.最后对NCl(a 1△)泵浦I化学激光器可行性做了展望并提出具体探索和解决的途径.

关键词: 亚稳态NCl(a1△) , I原子化学激光

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