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Influence of Cold Rolling Reduction on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TWIP Steel

Z.L. Mi , D. Tang


he influence of cold rolling reduction on microstructure and mechanical properties of the TWIP (ttwinning induced plasticity) steel was investigated. The results indicated that the steel had better comprehensive mechanical properties when cold rolling reduction was about 65.0% and the annealing temperature was 1000℃. The tensile strength of the steel is about 640MPa and the yield strength is higher than 255MPa, while the elongation is above 82%. The microstructure is composed of austenitic matrix and annealing twins at room temperature, at the same time, a significant amount of annealing twins and stacking faults are observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Mechanical twins play a dominant role during deformation, and result in excellent mechanical properties.

关键词: cold rolling reduction , rolling , reduction , annealing , tempera

金属有机骨架材料MI L-53对氯代甲烷的吸附?

王铭扬 , 田凤鸣 , 周林 , 张兴华 , 陈云琳

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.05.011

采用水热法合成了金属-有机骨架材料 MIL-53(Al,Fe,Cr),并用 X射线衍射(XRD)、氮气吸/脱附等进行了测试表征.利用固定床吸附试验装置和气相色谱测定了在298 K,101 kPa 时,MIL-53(Al,Fe,Cr)对二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷的吸附情况.结果表明,二氯甲烷比三氯甲烷更易被MIL-53(Al,Fe,Cr)吸附,且 MIL-53(Al)对氯代甲烷的吸附能力最强,MIL-53(Cr)次之,MIL-53(Fe)最弱,MIL-53(Al)对二氯甲烷和三氯甲烷的吸附量最高分别可达16.88和7.11 mmol/g.实验结果与巨正则系综蒙特卡洛(GCMC)模拟结果一致.

关键词: 金属有机骨架 , MIL-5 3 , 吸附 , 氯代 , 挥发性有机物(VOCs)

Studies of the g factors for the tetragonally elongated and compressed CuIIN6 octahedra in image omitted (MI = K, Rb, Cs; MII = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb) crystals

Philosophical Magazine

The EPR g factors, g// and g perpendicular to, of tetragonally elongated and compressed CuIIN6 octahedral clusters (with the ground states |dx2 - y2 > and |dz2 >, respectively) in [image omitted] (MI = K, Rb, Cs; MII = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb) crystals were calculated using a two-mechanism model. In the model, the contributions to the g-shifts, gi (= gi - gs, where i = // or perpendicular to; gs approximate to 2.0023 is the free-ion g value), from both the crystal-field (CF) mechanism related to CF excited states and the charge-transfer (CT) mechanism related to CT excited states, which is neglected in the widely-used CF theory, were considered. For the CF mechanism, two theoretical methods, the perturbation theory method (PTM) and the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method (CDM), were applied. The CF parameters used were calculated from the superposition model, in which the structural data for CuIIN6 clusters in [image omitted] crystals were measured exactly by X-ray diffraction. The calculated g factors for both the tetragonally elongated and compressed CuIIN6 octahedra are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. For the strongly covalent CuIIN6 clusters in crystals with different ground states, both the PTM and CDM can be applied to calculate the g-shifts, [image omitted], arising from the CF mechanism, but exact and reasonable calculations of g factors should take both CF and CT mechanisms into account.

关键词: crystal field;electron paramagnetic resonance;octahedral cluster;charge transfer;spin-hamiltonian parameters;atomic screening constants;jahn-teller;distortion;temperature-dependence;lead hexanitrocuprate(ii);2-mechanism model;scf functions;br crystals;complexes;bands


许昌 , 任中洲

原子核物理评论 doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.30.03.308


关键词: α衰变 , 超重核 , 结团模型


王晓旭 , 陈利

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2011.11.001


关键词: Z-pin , 拔出强度 , 复合材料 , 拔出试验 , 抗拉强度


张强 , 许少普 , 李忠波 , 唐郑磊 , 高照海 , 杨阳

钢铁 doi:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1001-0963.20150135

采用横截面为350mm×2 320 mm的钢坯轧制横截面为100 mm×2 360 mm的Q345E-Z35.在粗轧阶段以高于动态再结晶临界变形量和形状系数l/h≥0.53的条件下,经过不同的终轧温度和返红温度试验,最终确定精轧阶段终轧温度控制在780℃左右,返红温度控制在610℃左右,生产出的钢板具有优异的力学性能和层状撕裂抗性.

关键词: Q345E-Z35 , 特厚板 , 控轧控冷


王晓旭 , 陈利

航空材料学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-5053.2011.4.017


关键词: Z-pin , 复合材料 , 压缩试验 , 临界应力

Z-parameter Method for Damage Evaluation in HK40 Steel

Li XING , Jie ZHAO , Fuzhong SHEN , Wei FENG


A Z-parameter method is used to evaluate the damage process of HK40 austenitic steel. By using Z-parameter based on the Larson-Miller method, the nonlinear master curve of the log stress vs Larson-Miller parameter P can be expressed as: P=27.74-3.4lgσ-0.032σ, and a family of curves parallel to the master curve can be written as: P=(27.74-Z)-3.4lgσ-0.032σ, where Z represents the magnitude of the deviation from the master curve. According to the creep rupture data both from different segments of a serviced tube and from the same segment locations with different service time, the value of parameter Z has close relationship with the deterioration of creep rupture properties. The damage state of the samples is evaluated by monitoring the changes in natural frequency f and Young0s modulus E, and the relationships between Z and the damage parameters are discussed.

关键词: Damage evaluation , 蠕变断裂 , 奥氏体钢 , Z参数


赖红伟 , 曹宏梅 , 董顺福 , 韩丽琴 , 陆钊 , 董树国 , 贾骐羽

应用化学 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1095.2014.30321

研究了阿莫西林对B-Z振荡反应的影响,结果表明,阿莫西林的加入明显地改变了振荡体系的周期和振幅,即对振荡体系产生扰动,且阿莫西林的浓度分别在1.5×10-5~2.4×10-3mol/L和4.7 × 10-5~4.8×10-3 mol/L范围内与振荡周期改变值Δt和振幅改变值ΔA均呈良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.9822和0.9846,同时结合FKN机理,初步探讨了阿莫西林扰动B-Z振荡反应的机理.

关键词: 阿莫西林 , 化学振荡 , 指纹图谱 , B-Z振荡

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