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宫惠峰 , ZHANG Meng-Cun

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2008.08.029


关键词: 固-固相变 , DSC , 相图

Van Hove奇异性、非电声作用与HgBa2Cun-1CunO2n+2+δ(n=1,2,3)系统的超导电性

张霞 , 苏希玉 , 侯芹英 , 侯艳丽

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2008.03.011

考虑态密度的Van Hove奇异性和非电声作用,我们在BCS理论框架内研究了HgBa2Cun-1CunO2n+2+δ(n=1,2,3)系统的超导转变温度和同位素效应.结果表明,当同时考虑Van Hove奇异性和非电声作用时,可以更好地解释HgBa2Cun-1CunO2n+2+δ(n=1,2,3)系统的超导性质.

关键词: Van Hove奇异性 , 非电声作用 , 超导转变温度 , 同位素效应

Studies on the spin-Hamiltonian parameters of CuN(6) clusters and their tetragonal distortions due to Jahn-Teller effect for Cu(2+) in trigonal M(1-propyltetrazole)(6)(BF(4))(2) (M = Zn, Fe) crystals

Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

This paper reports the theoretical calculations for the anisotropic and isotropic spin-Hamiltonian parameters (g factors and the hyperfine structure constants) of tetragonal CuN(6) octahedral clusters due, respectively, to the static and dynamic Jahn-Teller effects for Cu(2+) ion in the trigonal M(=Zn, Fe) sites of M(1-propyltetrazole)(6)(BF(4))(2) crystals. The calculations are carried out using the high-order perturbation formulas based on a two-mechanism model, in which besides the contributions to spin-Hamiltonian parameters due to the crystal-field mechanism concerning the crystal-field excited states in the extensively used crystal-field theory, the contributions due to charge-transfer mechanism concerning the charge-transfer excited states (which are neglected in the crystal-field theory) are included. The calculated results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. From the calculations the tetragonal elongations Delta R= R(parallel to) R(perpendicular to) (where R(parallel to) and R(perpendicular to) denote the Cu-N distances parallel with and perpendicular to the C(4) axis) of CuN(6) octahedral clusters due to Jahn-Teller effect are obtained. The results are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: Electron paramagnetic resonance;Crystal- and ligand-field theory;Jahn-Teller effect;M(1-propyltetrazole)(6)(BF(4))(2) (M = Zn, Fe);Cu(2+);atomic screening constants;electron-paramagnetic-res;single-crystal;sulfate hexahydrate;charge-transfer;scf functions;epr;ions;field;copper(ii)

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature


杨立娟 , 杨琼芬 , 杜先云

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2012.02.003


关键词: 非线性发展方程 , Broer-Kaup-Kupershmidt方程 , 精确解 , CK方法 , Backlund变换


XU Yourong , GU Qing , WANG Deying , Shanghai University of Science and Technology , Shanghai , ChinaGU Jufang , Q U Tiancai , Shanghai Iron and Steel Research Institute , Shanghai , China XU Yourong , Professor , Department of Materials Science , Shanghai University of Science and Technology , Shanghai 201800 , China


The dynamic mechanical behaviours of super low carbon high Mo austenitic stainless steel (00Cr20Nil8Mo6CuN)during hot deformation have been studied by using Formaster-Press hot working simulator. The hot deformation equation, as well as the relationship between peak strain, peak stress and Zener-Hollman parameter, together with the deformation activation energy have been resulted through the experiments.

关键词: hot deformation , null , null , null , null

Three-dimensional (3D) Ising universality in magnets and critical indices at fluid-fluid phase transition

Phase Transitions

Experimental data for critical exponents in some magnetic materials are compared with recent theoretical results on the three-dimensional (3D) Ising model, as derived by one of us (ZDZ) based on two conjectures [Z.D. Zhang, Conjectures on the exact solution of three-dimensional (3D) simple orthorhombic Ising lattices, Phil. Mag. 87 (2007), pp. 5309-5419]. It is found that critical exponents in some bulk magnetic materials indeed form a 3D Ising universality. Our attention is then focused on the critical indices at fluid-fluid phase transition. We suggest to use Zhang's exponent = 3/8 to fit the experimental data over the wider asymptotic region near the critical point of a fluid-fluid phase transition. The 3D Ising universality should exist for critical indices in a certain class of magnets and at fluid-fluid phase transition.

关键词: magnetically ordered materials;fluid-fluid;phase transitions;order-disorder effects;ferromagnetic curie temperature;liquid critical phenomena;x-ray-scattering;critical exponents;critical-point;coexistence;curves;binary-solutions;ionic-solutions;behavior;equation

Response to the Comment on 'Conjectures on exact solution of three-dimensional (3D) simple orthorhombic Ising lattices'

Philosophical Magazine

The error of Equation (15b) in my article [Z.D. Zhang, Phil. Mag. 87 (2007) p.5309] in the application of the Jordan-Wigner transformation does not affect the validity of the putative exact solution, since the solution is not derived directly from that equation. Other objections of Perk's comment [J.H.H. Perk, Phil. Mag. 89 (2009) p.761] are the same as those in Wu et al.'s comments [F.Y. Wu et al., Phil. Mag. 88 (2008) p.3093; p.3103], which do not stand on solid ground and which I have sought to refute in my previous response [Z.D. Zhang, Phil. Mag. 88 (2008) p.3097]. The conjectured solution can be utilized to understand critical phenomena in various systems, whereas the conjectures are open to rigorous proof.

关键词: 3D Ising model;exact solution;conjecture;critical phenomena;ferromagnetism;magnetic phase transition;model;analyticity


张鹰子 , 王志 , 向建勇 , 闻海虎

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2005.z1.087

我们在磁场中分别测量了最佳掺杂的YBa2Cu3O7-δ、钙0.2掺杂的Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-δ及钙0.5掺杂的Pr1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜的电阻温度关系.利用最近Zhang et al. [Phys. Rev. B 71(2005), 052502 ]提出的热激活能的分析方法对薄膜的磁通特性进行了分析、比较与讨论.

关键词: Y-123薄膜 , 涡旋特性 , 激活能

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