Zhijun GUO
Zhidong ZHANG
Xinguo ZHAO
Bowen WANG
Dianyu GENG
Structure and magnetostriction of Dy1-xPrxFe2 (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.5), Dy0.6Pr0.4(Fe1-yTy)(2) (0 less than or equal to y less than or equal to 0.6), and Tb1-zPrz(Fe0.4Co0.6)(2) (0 less than or equal to z less than or equal to 1.0) alloys (T=Co, Ni) have been investigated. It is found that the matrix of the alloys Dy1-xPrxFe2 is a single phase (Dy, Pr)Fe-2 with MgCu2-type structure and the second phase is (Dy, Pr)Fe-3 when x less than or equal to 0.2. The amount of (Dy, Pr)Fe-3 phase increases with increasing Pr content and becomes the main phase when x=0.4. The matrix of Dy1-xPrxFe2 is found to be the (Dy, Pr)(2)Fe-17 phase with Th2Zn17-type structure when x=0.5. It is found that the amount of the cubic Laves phase (Dy, Pr)(Fe, Co)(2) in the Dy0.6Pr0.4(Fe1-yCoy)(2) increases with increasing Co concentration when 0 less than or equal to y less than or equal to 0.6. The substitution of Ni for Fe is nearly not favorable for the formation of the cubic Laves phase (Dy, Pr)(Fe, Ni)(2) in (Dy1-xPrx)Fe-2. The matrix of (Tb1-zPrz)(Fe0.4Co0.6)(2) is a (Tb, Pr)(Fe, Co)(2) phase with the MgCu2-type cubic Laves structure and a second phase of small amount is (Tb, Pr)(Fe, Co)(3) phase when z less than or equal to 0.2, z=0.5 and 1.0. When 0.2
通过对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样方法的分析,找出影响检验结果真实性的因素,采取有效的改进措施,使本钢原料厂一次配料、本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结二次配料及265 m2烧结系统各项稳定率有了很大的提高,烧结矿实物质量和各项技术质量指标有了很大的进步,保证了高炉的稳定顺行。
提高本钢265 m2冷烧结矿及原料检验代表性的实践
Practice of Improving the 265 m2 Cold Sinter and Raw Material Inspection Representative
LI Feng-juan, LV Guo-guang
本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结机生产所需要的含铁原料比较复杂,一次配料料种较多,且烧结含铁原料是由本钢原料厂二车间供料,原料质量的不稳定,会影响烧结矿质量的提高和新一号高炉的强化及高炉技术指标的改善。本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站加强了对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样代表性的研究,采取了一些改进措施,达到了良好的效果。含铁料成分稳定率、烧结矿各项质量和技术指标在稳步地提高。下面,对本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站就提高采样及检验过程的准确性所采取的措施和办法进行说明。