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Hardness, Wear Resistance and nacture Toughness of Cast Hiduminium/Corundum Particulate Composites

K.H.W.Seah(Dept. of Mechanical Engineering , National University of Singapore , 10 Kent Ridge Crescent , Singapore 119260)R.S.Kulkarni and S.C.Sharma (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering , R.V.College of Engineering , Mysore Road , Bangalore-560-059 , Karnataka , Ind


This paper reports some results obtained in an investigation to see how increasing the corundum dispersoid content from 0% to 7% in a matrix of as-cast and wrought hiduminium alloy affects the hardness. wear resistance and fracture toughness of the composite. The results show that as the corundum content is increased, the hardness and the wear resistance increase remarkably,whereas the fracture toughness drops significantly. It was found that Just a minute amount of corundum is sufficient to cause a fairly large change in these mechanical properties. The hardness of the material is also affected signifIcantly by the aging time. Moreover, if other factors are kept constant, hot extrusion improves both its hardness and its wear resistance. whereas the fracture toughness is decreased


Properties of Cast Hiduminium/Corundum Particulate Composites

K.H. W. Seah(Dept. of Mechanical Engineering , National University of Singapore , 10 Kent Ridge Crescent , Singapore 0511)R.S.Kulkari and S.C.Sharma (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering , R.V.College of Engineering , Mysore Road , Bangalore-560-059 , Karnataka , Indi


This paper reports some results obtained in an investigation to see how increasing the corundum dispersoid content from o% to 7% in a matrix of hiduminium alloy affects the tensile and compressive strengths, the hardness and the casting characteristics of the composite. The results show that as the corundum content is increased, ultimate tensile strength (UTS)- compressive strength and hardness increase remarkably, whereas fluidity of the molten composite during casting drops significantly. It was found that just a minute amount of corundum is sufficient to cause a fairly large change in the mechanical properties and the fluidity of the molten material.This drop in castability is one of the reasons why adding corundum beyond 7 percent is not recommended. If other factors are kept constant, the fluidity is seen to slightly improve if the pouring temperature of the molten metal were increased from 670 to 710℃


Fracture Toughness of Cast Al-Zn-Mg Alloys

K.H. W.Seah(Dept. of Mech. Eng. , National University of Singapore , Singapore 0511)S. C. Sharma (To whom correspondence should be addressed)(Dept. of Mech. Eng. , R.V.College of Engineering , Bangalore-560-059 , Karnataka , India)


Compact tension specimens of as-cast Al-3Zn-2Mg and Al-7Zn-2Mg (in wt pct) alloys were subjected to fracture toughness tests at room temperature according to specification5 laid down in ASTM E-399-81. It was found that increasing the Zn content, grain refinement and increasing the solidification rate lead to an increase in the fracture toughness of the material.




