LIU Yulin
ZHAO Hong' en
HU Zhuangqi
Institute of Metal Research
Academia Sinica
ChinaZHU Zhiyong
WANG Zhengfu
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Academia Sinica
China ZHANG Yun
Associate Professor
Institute of Metal Research
Academia Sinica
Shenyang 110015
The A1-2.79Li-1.3Cu-0.7Mg-0.12Zr(8090) alloy has excellent resistance to intergranular and exfoliation corrosion as naturally aged, worst as peak aged and rather better as underaged than as overaged. The corrosion behaviour of the alloy is closely dependent on its microstructure. Under the peak aging condition, the coarse T_2 phase, which is continuously distributed along grain boundaries, has so low corrosion potential in comparison with the ma- trix, this makes the corrosion resistance of the alloy to be deteriorated by anodic dissolution along grain boundaries.
AI-Li alloy
HUANG Qizhong
YANG Qzaoqin and WU Lijun(Powder Metallurgy Research institute
Central Sonth University of Technology
Changsha 410083
China Materials Research and Test Center
Hnnan University
Changsha 410082
ChinaLab. of Atomic Imaging of Solids
Institute of Metal Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaState Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China)Manuscript received 4 August 1995
in revised form 6 April 1996
A Preliminary study of the effect of silicon additive on the structure and properites of C-B_4C-SiC composite was conducted. A liquid Phase has formed and the liquid Si reacts with C to form SiC at the grain boundary when sintering, which accelerates the sintering process and retards the grain growth. Consequently, the density and strength of the composite increase markedly. And the increase in the density increases the oxidation resistance and decreases the specific resistance of the composite. Furthermore,the C-B_4 C-SiC composite has good heat-shock resistance. The phenomena may be dueto the strengthening and toughening of microcracks.
:Si additive
S.G. Tian
L.T. Zhang
H. M. Shao
L.J. Zou
T.F. Li
and H. C. Yang (Department of Materials Science
Shenyang Polytechnic University
Shenyang 110023
China) (Corrosion Science Laboratory
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy ofSciences
Shenyang 110015
China) (Department of Materials Science
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
In this paper, internal oxidation kinetics and the diffusion mechanism of oxygen in sintered Cu-Al alloy have been studied by means of scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy and heat-weighting scales. The results show that the kinetic curves obey the parabolic law in the initial stage and are linear in the late stage.The oxygen atoms are mainly transported in the from of grain boundary diffusion and volume diffusion in the process of internal oxidation. The plastic deformation of Cu matrix around oxide particles increases the probability of [O] atoms moving in accordance with dislocation diffusion mechanism. Meanwhile, the activation energy and diffusion coefficient in the process of internal oxidation are evaluated by means of kinetic method so as to obtain the velocity equations of reacting interface moving in different stage.
: Cu-Al alloy
F. Gesmundo
Y Niu
F. Vianiand D.L. Douglass(Universita di Genova
Fiera del Mare
Pad. D
16129 Genova
Italy)(State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
theChinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China)(University of Arizona
4715 East Fort Lowell Road
AZ 85712
The cormsion in air of a two-phase Cu-75Cr alloy was studied at 700-900℃. Thealloy cormded nearly parabolically at 700-800℃, but at 900℃ its instantaneousparabolic mte constant decreased with time. The scales were complex and consistedof an outermost layer of copper oxide generally followed bg a layer of the double ox-ide Cu2 Cr2 O4 sometimes containing particles of unoxidized chromium surmunded bya chromia layer. An innermost layer of chromia was also observed in some cases.Finally metallic copper was al8o frequently mixed with chromia particles. No Cr de-pletion was observed in the alloy close to the inteffoce with the scale. In any case,this alloy was not able to form an exclusive continuous protective chromia layer. Thespecial cormsion behavior Of this alloy is typical of two-phase binary systems with alange solubility gaP in which the outwaof dthesion fiux of the most-reactive componentin the alloy is strongly reduced and may be inswncient to fOrm a protective externallayer of the cormsponding oxide. In paTticular, the presence of particles of Cr withina double oxide layer is very unusual and is allowed only for the kinetic reason.
J.H.Dong 1)
J.Y.Chen 2
3) and. C.N.Cao 1) 1) State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China 2) The International Center for Materials Physics
Shenyang 110015
China 3) Shenyang Normal College
Shenyang 110031
The effect of chloride ion on the corrosion inhibition of iron caused by dencylamine(DA), dipentylamine(DDA) and dodecylamine(DPA) has been investigated by measuring the inhibitory coefficients for the anodic and cathodic processes at corrosion potential. It has been shown that the major synergistic inhibition effects between amines and chloride ions occur in the cathodic process, very weak in the anodic process. The anodic inhibition mechanism follows the competing adsorptive model, while the cathodic inhibition mechanism follows the cooperative adsorptive model.
synergistic inhibition
G. Ya
X.Y Zhang and Y. L. Du(State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China)(Applied Chemistry Division of Sciences Institute
Shenyang Polytechnic University
Shenyang 110023
It was proposed how the concentration distribution was calculated in the treble lager wall of hgdrogenation reactor according to the principle of hydrogen diffusion at the steady state in this paper. Based on the steady hydrogen permeation current density i∞ measund with the hydrogen probe at a given temperature, the hydmpen concentrationson the key interfaces and hydrogen distribution at any given mdial profile in the single, double or treble layer wall of hydrogenation reactor could be found by applying the presented equations throoph suitable parmeters ioput. The theoretical bases were provided for developing the nondestructive probing technique of the concentration of atomic hydmpen in the wallS of hydrogenation reactors.
hydrogen permeation
Bangjie XIA+
Hanyi LOU
Corrosion Science Laboratory
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Academia Sinica
The morphology and microstructure of magnetron sputtered coating of superalloy K38G on cast al- loy K38G have been investigated by means of SEM, TEM and XRD. The results indicate that the sputtered coating is identical to the substrate in chemical composition but it is composed only of γ phase without γ'. The sputtered superalloy coating presents columnar structure and the grain size is in the range of 20-100 nm. There are a great number of planar defects such as stacking faults and microtwins in the coating. The morphology and microstructure of the sputtered coating may have close relation to the remarkable increase of oxidation resistance of the coating.
Zhengfu WANG
Jin LI
Jianqiu WANG and Wei KE(Corrosion Science Laboratory
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The paper reports the effect of0.01,0.1 and 1%NaNO2, a passive inhibitor, on corrosion fatigue (CF) crack initiation and propagation for a low strength structural steel A537 in 3.5%NaCl aqueous solution. The experimental results show that inhibitor increases the required cycles of CF crack initiation effectively, and this effect increases with increasing inhibitor concentration.However, there is nearly no effect of NaNO2 on CF crack propagation. The same CF crack propagation rate was found in all kinds of solutions. The results also indicate that the passive time in 1%NaNO2 solution during plastic deformation is much longer than cyclic time. NaNO2 passivates the specimen sudece and repairs passive film damaged by cyclic loading during the crack initiation. while the passsive film is not formed fully due to continuous plastic deformation at the crack tip during the CF crack propagation, which is much different from that in the stress corrosion cracking and general corrosion
Su'e LIU
Zhong ZHU and Wei KE(State Key Lab. of Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China) D.Hardie(Dept. of Mechanical
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Hydrogen embrittlement of Type 4340 steel has been investigated by straining round-notchedspecimens in 105 Pa hydrogen atmosphere at a constent cross-head spead of 1.4x 10-4 mm/s.The circumferentially notched specimens exhibited a significant embrittlement when their me-chanical behaviour in hydrogen was compared with that in air. Although the effect of notch depthon fracture strength in air is negligible, an increase in the depth of notch increase susceptibility toembrittlement when testing in gaseous hydrogen. However, analysis of the effects is complicatedby the facts that (i) the specimens show some degree of notch severity even when strained inair and (ii) the behaviour is complicated by the localised plastic deformation that may occur forrelatively shatlow notches. Such effects are eliminated at high stress concentration factors, sothere is a systematic loss in fracture stress in hydrogen as the notch sensitivity increases fromK=2.6 to 5.7 (where a 87% reduction of fracture stress occurs) but a relatively stable value isthen reached even for very severe notching bj fatigue pre-cracking. Whether or not the effectis due to increasing concentration of hydrogen in the triaxial stress region ahead of the notch,there is no doubt that increasing the stress concentration makes hydrogen more effective as anembrittlement agent.
Weitao WU and Chaoliu ZENG (State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China)F. Gesmundo and F. Viani (Instituto di Chimica
Facolta di Ingegneria
The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pct Y in H2-H2S mixtures under 10-3 Pa S2 was studied at 600~800℃ in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneflcial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus,Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition. but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12~17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe