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Influence of Inhibitor Concentration on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation

Zhengfu WANG , Jin LI , Jianqiu WANG and Wei KE(Corrosion Science Laboratory , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang , 110015 , China)


The paper reports the effect of0.01,0.1 and 1%NaNO2, a passive inhibitor, on corrosion fatigue (CF) crack initiation and propagation for a low strength structural steel A537 in 3.5%NaCl aqueous solution. The experimental results show that inhibitor increases the required cycles of CF crack initiation effectively, and this effect increases with increasing inhibitor concentration.However, there is nearly no effect of NaNO2 on CF crack propagation. The same CF crack propagation rate was found in all kinds of solutions. The results also indicate that the passive time in 1%NaNO2 solution during plastic deformation is much longer than cyclic time. NaNO2 passivates the specimen sudece and repairs passive film damaged by cyclic loading during the crack initiation. while the passsive film is not formed fully due to continuous plastic deformation at the crack tip during the CF crack propagation, which is much different from that in the stress corrosion cracking and general corrosion


Effect of Hydrogen on Plastic Deformation near Crack-tip of A537 Steel in 3.5%NaCl Solution

Xuejun WEI , Jin LI , Zhengfu WANG and Wei KE (State Key Lab. of Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)(To whom correspondence should be addressed)


A computerized digital speckle-intederometry system was set up to study in-situ the influence of cathodic hydrogen charging on the crack opening displacement and on the plastic strain distribution at corrosion fatigue crack tip for the singIe-edge notched plate specimens of structural steel in 3.5%NaCl solution with an applied potential of -1400 mV (SCE). Meanwhile, the mono-directional tension tests with smooth specimens were pedermed in both air and 3.5%NaCl solution under the hydrogen charging conditions. The fracture sudece morphology from corrosion fatigue and tension was examined by SEM. The experimental results show that the existence of hydrogen in crack tip material caused an increase of both yield strength and hardening exponent and a decrease of plastic zone size at the corrosion fatigue crack tip.


Interaction of Mechanical and Electrochemical Factors during Corrosion Fatigue of Fe-26Cr-1Mo Stainless Steel in 1M H_2SO_4 Solution

Jianqiu WANG , Jin LI , Ziyong ZHU and Wei KE (Corrosion Science Laboratory , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang , 110015 , China)Qishan ZANG and Zhongguang WANG (State Key Laboratory for Fatigue and Fracture


The cyclic plastic straining electrode technique has been used to investigate the transient electrochemical behaviour of Fe-26Cr1Mo stainless steel in 1M H2SO4 solution at a passive potential.The influence of plastic strain amplitude and plastic strain rate on the dissolution current response was analysed. The experimental results showed that the transient current was dependent on the competitive process of the surface film rupture and repassivation of the new surface. The high plastic strain amplitude and the high plastic strain rate caused a change of electrochemical activity of specimen surface. In the condition of low strain amplitude and strain rate, the characteristics of current response was mainly relative tp the process of new surface repassivation.The competition kinetics has been analysed through the comparison of plastic strain rate and repassivating rate




