Ruwei GAO
Yihua LIU
Shishen YAN Deheng ZHANG and Lin ZHANG(Dept. of Physics
Shandong University
Jinan 250100
Magnetism and its dependence on annealing temperature for r.f. sputtered Co/Cu multilayers have been investigated. It was found that the easy magnetization axes of the films are paralIel to the substrate and the magnetic properties of both as-sputtered and annealed multilayers are isotropic in the film plane. The coercive field Hc is 4.8 kA/m and the ratio of remanence-tosaturation magnetization Mi/M is about 0.73 for as-sputtered samples. Both Hc and Mr/Ms increase with increasing annealing temperatures, especially when annealing temperatures are higher than 400℃. These experimental results can be interpreted using the ferromagnetic exchange coupling and the pinning theory of the coercivity