WANG Jingtang PANG Dexing DING Bingzhe BIAN Maoshu LI Shuling Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China[Originally published in ACTA METALL SIN (CHINESE EDN) 24 (5) 1988 pp B372—B375 , received 25 December 1986 , in revised form 3 September 1987]
The viscous flow of amorphous alloys near T_gis closely related to the viscosity of liquid alloys. On the basis of the measured surface tension and density for Ni-P binary alloys,the correla- tion between the viscosity of the melt and viscous flow process of the amorphous alloy is inves- tigated.The relationship between viscosity and temperature for Ni-P alloys going from liquid to amorphous solid may be described by the following formula:
关键词: Ni-P amorphous alloy , null , null