WANG Jingtang PANG Dexing DING Bingzhe BIAN Maoshu LI Shuling Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China[Originally published in ACTA METALL SIN (CHINESE EDN) 24 (5) 1988 pp B372—B375 , received 25 December 1986 , in revised form 3 September 1987]
The viscous flow of amorphous alloys near T_gis closely related to the viscosity of liquid alloys. On the basis of the measured surface tension and density for Ni-P binary alloys,the correla- tion between the viscosity of the melt and viscous flow process of the amorphous alloy is inves- tigated.The relationship between viscosity and temperature for Ni-P alloys going from liquid to amorphous solid may be described by the following formula:
关键词: Ni-P amorphous alloy , null , null
梁健端 , 林树智
关键词: 最大熵 , RDF , Ni-P amorphous alloy
王景唐 , 庞德兴 , 丁炳哲 , 边茂恕 , 李淑苓
非晶态合金在玻璃转变温度附近的粘滞流变与其液态合金的粘度密切相关。在测定了Ni-P二元合金表面张力和密度的基础上,研究了其粘度随温度的变化规律及其非晶态的粘滞流变过程。并得到可描述Ni-P合金从液态到非晶态固体的粘度与温度关系的统一表达式: η=C·exp[(B+bT(1-1/T))/(T-T_(vs)~o)]
关键词: Ni-P非晶态合金 , viscosity
LIANG Jianduan LIN Shuzhi Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China Professor , Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China
Experiments clarified that application of the maximum entropy method to calculate the RDF (radial distribution function)of the Ni-P amorphous alloy from fewer data of its X-ray diffraction data shows a higher resolution and good consistent with known results.It is be- lieved that this method is available for the analysis of amorphous structure.
关键词: maximum entropy , null , null